Sunday, August 29, 2010

Welcome to Yarnies for the Gospel!

Hello there and welcome!

First off, let me introduce myself and tell you about how I inadvertently started a ministry. My name is Jenn and I'm the founder of Yarnies for the Gospel. It was founded...on Friday, actually, when I was in search of an organization I could donate my crocheted goods to. Not being able to find a Christ-centered one, God provided an opportunity via my step-mom, who volunteers with The Luke Commission. She told me that she was headed back with Swaziland in February and would be willing to take with her whatever I made. I then decided to recruit some yarnie buddies, but what started out with a few blossomed into many talented ladies who were very interested in my ministry. Thus, Yarnies for the Gospel was born!

You can find more information about us in the FAQ's below. If you have any questions or are interested in donating goods or materials, please leave your email or phone number in a comment to this blog post. I promise it will not be posted for the blogosphere to see. I will update as often as I can - I am a mom to two young boys, so my free time is few and far between. :)

To get you started, I have included links to some free patterns. The list of current donations needed are in the sidebar to the right and we'll be needing infant to adult size. The more variety we can offer, the more people can be helped.

Thank you and God bless!

In His Service & For His Glory,